Backpack for Bundles
The Backpack for Bundles Program is a project unique to our area. We have developed it to ‘gift’ new mothers a useful starting kit/welcoming gift to the newest members of our community. This custom designed baby box provides a safe sleep space & gives parents, grandparents & guardians a few necessities & handmade items to give babies a fresh start. Each baby box is outfitted with a certified non toxic mattress that can safely be used as a bassinet up to 5 months.
We also include important information about continuing care & support programs for babies & mothers & are working in conjunction with local hospitals, health care providers, service organizations, churches & congregations.
We want to offer our communities a forward thinking solution, with every reason to believe that arming our parents with an option of a safe space for babies along with vital information, will have an impact on infant & maternal health.
How you can help!
We always need items to fill boxes.
- Size 1 Diapers
- Onesies
- Baby Socks (0-6)
- Sleeper Gowns (0-6)
- Baby Wipes
- Baby Books
- Pacifiers (nuks)
- Receiving Blankets
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Office/Appointment Hours - M/W/F 9 AM to 2 PM
410 1st St. East, Suite 1, Polson, MT